Summer’s lazy days
finally comes to its finality
with the coming and
passing of another Labor Day;
no more holding of
hands on the boardwalk
and the sound of
children’s voices slowly fades
like a rising fog
making the day visibly clear;
a change of another
season is almost here.
like the hot humid
air they’ve all disappeared.
Annuals and
perennials faces now began to droop
saddened they can no
longer greet us day by day,
knowing we won’t have
our morning companions to greet;
their cycle of life
to live and procreate is now complete.
Another phase has
been ushered in as the seasons collide;
fierce, bold,
blustery winds give us no choice to decide.
Summer’s gone away
and now nature takes its leave,
chlorophyll takes a
reprieve as the trees began to slumber
deciduous they’ve
become as palettes of colored leaves pirouette,
dancing silently in
the air and falling to the ground everywhere.
Hot beverages with
cocoa and pumpkin become in high demand;
people in jackets and
turtle neck sweaters as love becomes grand,
fireplaces flickering
at night as frost meets the morning light.
Lazy in slumber we’ve
become feeling the warmth of each other
as we lay under bed
covers my eyes flicker against your skin;
gradually waking up
to the wonderful realization that it’s autumn again.
Copyright by NewLife2008